Mental health check in

Are you okay? No? Yeah, me neither. I don’t know if it’s just what’s going on in the world right now, the energies or what, but my mental health has been bad for months now. Months of darkness it seems like. Like REAL darkness. Everyday seems to get worse no…

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Blogging is my mental outlet

I’ve been blogging for almost 7 years. I blog about everything under the sun of motherhood and everyday life. I blogged when I was married, when I was pregnant, when I became I mom, when I separated from my ex, when I was emotionally and mentally damaged, when I was…

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I know I am not consistent with posting, I haven’t been consistent for a while and it’s because my life is pretty inconsistent, but as I am all up in my feels and my anxiety filled thoughts tonight, I thought this would be a good opportunity to post about it.…

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Protect your energy

It’s been a long while since I’ve blogged about anything. My life got crazy to say the least. I got pregnant and had a baby boy in May which I’ll be writing about soon. Being an empath can be hard Lately I’ve been really trying to focus on my own…

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My 4 year old daughter is an empath and it scares me

As my daughter got older, I started to recognize a lot of her empathic traits. She notices things about people that other kids her age don’t. She’s very observant of others body languages and how they talk. She knows instantly just by looking at someone that they’ve had a bad…

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Guess who’s back? Back again.

OH MY GOD, I’M STILL BLOGGING. Yes, I’m still alive. I wouldn’t say alive and well per se, and I’ll get into that in a bit. I have SO MANY updates for you guys and I’m just gonna throw them all in one because obviously I can’t just do weekly…

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Forever wearing the cloak of invisibility

Yes, I am referencing Harry Potter, but it’s fitting. Why the cloak of invisibility, you ask? Ever since I was little, I always felt like I was so invisible to everyone. I was homeschooled up until 9th grade, so I was pretty sheltered. When I hit middle school age, I…

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Anxiety makes itself present even when you’re happy…

For those of you who have anxiety, you’ll understand this post completely, but those of you who don’t, I’m going to explain what I mean. It started with the wrong person As y’all know from previous posts, I was in a long, mentally and verbally abusive relationship for 6 years.…

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Are you enabling someone?

I don’t know how I’m getting these random ideas for blog posts lately, probably because I am quarantined in my house with my own thoughts running wild. Today’s topic is enablers. There are many different kind of enablers. What is an enabler you ask? An enabler is someone who is…

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Let me tell you bout my mama

I’m not the best at picking out guys, I’ll admit. I’ve gotten hurt by pretty much all of them… I remember what the hurt felt like from everyone of them, but what I didn’t realize until I became a mom was that it wasn’t just hurting me… My mom was…

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Toxic relationships can cause PTSD.

Someone told me once that you can’t get PTSD over a toxic relationship. WRONG. Yes you can. Oh boy can you!! I’ve dated some real ass holes (pretty much 90%of who I dated). I’ve been physically abused, mentally abused, emotionally abused and verbally abused…. All of that is trauma… And…

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It’s honestly scary how another human can change you

I’m about to get real personal right now because this full moon got having the damn feels… I’m sad… Not because I’m getting a divorce anymore… Not because I was cheated on, or belittled, but because I’m different now. What made me, ME before, isn’t what makes me now… I…

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Why are these things a thing?

Why is the word “Fleek” a thing? Why is reality T.V. a thing? Why is Jersey Shore a thing? Why is wearing pants down to your knees a thing? Why are ass-less chaps a thing? Why camel-toe underwear a thing? (Like really?! Ew) Why are men thongs a thing? Why…

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I was told to “Just be happy”

I really wish people would do some research on mental health and what it does to a person. I was told once, “Why can’t you just be happy?” Like if I could just be happy don’t you fucking think I would be?! Do you think I am just choosing sadness…

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Does the bitterness ever end?

Does the bitterness I have towards love ever end? I gave so much love to someone who just threw it in the dirt and stepped on it. So, needless to say, I’m pretty bitter about anything that has to do with love. I’ll scroll though Facebook and read all the…

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I want to ‘Bye Felicia’ everyone

Anyone ever just want to up and move somewhere and not tell anyone? Yeah, I’m at that point in my life. My life has been full of drama for the last like 5 years straight. The kind of drama that seems to just follow you because there’s no way to…

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